Hello, I do research in computer science and programming in various domains:
The promise of formal software verification is unique: becoming unconditionally sure about the functioning of software, by translating programs into logic and logically proving the properties of the program. But this surety comes to a price: the verification typically multiplies the effort needed for the implementation. And there are many ways an engineer can get lost on her way. Counterexamples, i.e. program input that trigger contradictions of the program to the specifications, are a common way to help understanding proof failures. In the Why3 framework for deductive program verification (and also in Ada/SPARK), I worked on the automatic classification of counterexample to explain proof failures.
An important hurdle in the implementation of observational studies and decision making in pharmacoepidemiology lies in the heterogeneity of the data sources: Relevant information may be written in prose by researchers in publications or physicians in medical records, or it may be coded (using more-or-less formalised coding systems) in medical databases. The aim in my PhD was to accelerate the compilation of relevant information about vaccines from heterogeneous data source, which involved extracting information from prose for further automatic processing using natural language processing technologies, and linking heterogeneously coded data and making it available to researchers.
More about my PhD is available here.
Web technology is interesting from two points of view: First, there are the underlying technological challenges. A web application runs in different tiers (the browser client, the server program, the database backends, …) in very different technical contexts and requirements, but to create a coherent application these tiers have to be integrated closely. On the other side, web development is one of the most useful programming technologies available, because it everybody uses it: to find information and to run software. I've been working between the two sides by contributing to the Eliom web framework, among others, a simplified interaction between client and server code, and by implementing a number of web applications.
Here is my CV.
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Last update: 2025-01-06